2.2 appropriate sowing In general, in early April, we seize warm heads and cold tails to sow fine crops. On average, we sow 1.5 seeds each time, ie we use “1, 2, l, 2†sowing methods because the risk of each l seeding is too large. The cost of broadcasting 2 capsules is too high. 2.3 before sowing drying Generally want to dry 3 ~ 4d, in order to increase the germination potential. When the manufacturer processes cotton seeds, the seed that is not mature enough must be dried before processing to reduce the moisture of the seed to about 10%. Then the sulphuric acid is used for degreasing and coating, which is beneficial to the after-ripening effect. After completion, the germination potential can be increased; if the germination potential before sowing is still low, it cannot be listed and it will be used again in the second year to ensure that it is perfectly safe. 2.4 pouring sole water In general, 1 d before sowing, the trampoline is drenched with live water from a river, and water is poured before sowing, so that the whole seedling can be reached. The bed surface of the seedbed should be flat, otherwise the seedlings in the low areas will be well developed and the seedlings in the high areas will be poor. The shortage of water must be promptly filled, and the replenishment should not be sprayed with a watering can to prevent seedlings on the bed surface soil compaction. Several unoccupied empty pupae should be removed, and water should be used to flood the empty puddles. The replenishment will not affect the emergence. 2.5 seedbed sowing Seeds of different varieties, different producing areas, and different years should not be planted in the same seedbed, and should be sown in separate beds for management. 2.6 Reasonably cover soil To use freeze-thaw soil without herbicide contamination as cover seed soil, cover soil thickness should be 1.5~2.0cm. 2.7 double film coverage After sowing, cover the surface of the bed with a layer of plastic film, and then cover the arch with a thick film of 6 wires or more to enhance the insulation effect. Mulch membranes should be removed in time when a large amount of cotton seedlings are in the top soil to prevent high temperatures from burning seedlings. 2.8 can not use mechanical depilation seed Aluminium Pcb Sheet,Cheap Aluminium Pcb Sheet,Custom Aluminium Pcb Sheet,Good Aluminium Pcb Sheet Jiangyin Xinren Aluminium Technology Co.,Ltd , https://www.jyxinrenaluminium.com